Wednesday, October 28, 2009


COMPARING link one holby


'What type of shots does each use and how does it affect the way in which you 'read' the characters and settings represented. You can do an in depth study of one scene form each as well as a general assessment of the difference in camera techniques used throughout in each episode'

HOLBY CITY- Holby city is a soap and focuses strongly on trying to bring across the medical importance within the show by intertwining heart monitors with action shots. In a hospital drama i have learnt that you would expect to have the different relationships with the doctors and nurses with their patients. the less qualified cocky nurses and the more knowledged doctors. i would also expect to see personal problems being inflicted into work. The music plays a huge part in setting the intense atmosphere which the show wants to create. The music starts of in the musical style of a heart beat monitor (to relate to hospitals and death and engages with the audience more) before merging into a tension filled tune that’s still filled with medical sounds. On each heart beat a shot of a piece of medical equipment is shown these carry on throughout the rest of the titles. The emergency and clinical colours of orange white and blue are used to encourage a disinfected atmosphere. Holby City only shows a few shots of the main long running characters. The shots are all taken form episodes of the show to make the show more practical. The title Holby City slowly slides across the screen for the complete time that the credits is on before going back and zooming out in the final seconds so that the text can be seen more clearly. The use of having many different pieces of information on screen at once causes the audience to make a link to the show as in a hospital there is never a slow moment. In Holby City you expect to see a chaotic atmosphere, comflict between personal problems brought into the working atmosphere. A lot of the camera work is quick to represent the rapid movements of the busy hospital. The close ups, wide shots show the audience body language, dress code and the surroundings of the hospital and how busy it is. There is a lot of tracking used Holby City as the camera follows the action. As said earlier on the music engages with he intense atmosphere, the colours used suchas orange,white and blue show how there is a disinfected atmosphere. The long shots are used to see more of the settings,surroundings and to put a sequence in the close ups where everyone is in the scene such as when you see both nurses having a conversation and they have the patient they are talking about behind them positioned in the middle.In hospital dramas there is a lot of sympathasing towards the patients one of the camera movements would be a tilt.

BLEAK HOUSE- It is a book written by Charles Dickens and has been turned into a series it is a classical period drama. It is completely different to holby city. Bleak house is based in Victorian times and you can tell the difference from a period drama to a tv drama as the clothes is different the camera angles,movements and shots are different. In this period drama they used a lot of wide shots and long shots to establish the location,settings and surroundings. The beautiful surroundings of the large houses, the court yards and the fields. Everyone is either dressed respectfully and beautifully or dirty and scruffy looking which shows the different social classes which is similar to Holby City as there are different dress codes for nurses and doctors. The way the drama had been filmed is very smoothly using dolly shorts and tracking to follow the characters. The soft lighting creates an effect that everything is perfect, clean and everyone looks pretty. The costume chosen in Bleak House represent the more wealthy characters and the working class. The make up chosen is to look very real, with the more wealthier women their hairs are all nicely groomed as for their makeup is very fresh and clear looking. where as for the women who are not as wealthy they are coated in old rags, dark colours their hairs are naturally left and their make up has been done to show that they are not wealthy women and are working hard. The men have very authentic costumes with their top hats and long smart suits, powerful boots and as they ride on their horses there is a sence of authority and power to them. where as the working class men look as if they wear the same clothes the whole time, scruffy beards which have not been trimmed and dirty fingure nails.

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